Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Is what you are eating everyday affecting your health? Is your daily diet extending your life or shortening your life? The answer is either yes or no. I feel the urge to share some important information with you that can help you live a healthier and longer life. As a consummate reader, I am constantly reading books on self-help and health. I am currently reading a great book on the current state of our health and what is causing our health problems and numerous deaths due to different types of cancer (ex. breast cancer and liver cancer). This book clarifies the confusion around our daily diet and the danger of our consumption of high levels of protein and fat from animal based products. The more I read this book, the more I realize that we are causing our own illness. The level of all types of cancers and diseases are higher in the industrial world, especially in the western world. The level of all types of cancers are approximately three times (3) higher in the industrialized nations where high level of animal based products are consumed as to that of Asian and non-industrialized nations where their diet is mainly plant based. I think vegetarians are way ahead of the curve in practicing good diet and maybe, we should take a page from their book. Our health totally depends on the type diet that we follow and the amount of our daily physical activity. We need to be conscientious of the amount and the quality of food that we take in, especially if the source is animal based. We need to decrease the amount of animal based protein and fat that we consume and get more of our protein and fat from plant based products. Don’t take my word for it and read the book “The China Study” and you will see what I am talking about. This book was referred to me by Shawn Brodof, the author of “The Termite Effect”, a business coach from Charlotte, NC (for your information here is a video and a book link:

In this book, “The China Study”, you will discover the dangers and the lack of success in any of the fad diets. They don’t work for the long hall and they even cause health problems that you are not aware of. For example, the Atkins diet doesn’t really work and you could not sustain this diet forever. To top it off, it is dangerous to consume all of that protein and fat from animal based products. Atkins himself was an obese man with hearth disease and high blood pressure and who died promoting his unhealthy diet that finally took him to the grave. Again, you don’t have to listen to me, just read the book and it will open your eyes.

This book is great and you will thank yourself for reading it and your family will thank you. Also, you need to look at your vitamin supplements to see if they are plant based or animal based. I will share with you the vitamin supplements that I take because they are plant based. I am not selling the products, I just use them. Good luck and happy reading!

Leonel DaRosa

Vitamin supplements website